Archive for the ‘test’ Category

Är detta jag?

Hos Mickey – som alltid hittar nåt kul på dessa våra interwebbar – har det dykt upp ett personlighetstest. Testnörd som jag är var jag givetvis tvungen att… tja: Testa. Here goes!
(Passande nog skulle jag tydligen passa som designer)

Andra bloggar om: , ,

testar haloscan

Oj, oj, oj, det verkar vara långt kvar tills du ens börjar tänka i bebisbanorna. Lek färdigt innan du satsar på en knodd!

Hejsan Allt om barn! Jag har två ungar, vem har byggt ert test?

Andra bloggar om: ,

76% boknörd!

I have a mild case of face-blindness – also known as prosopagnosia. This basically means I don’t recognize people I should recognize and also that I often mistake ppl for others – which, of course, can be a pain in the arse. Happened just the other day. (The strange thing is that people are so keen to please strangers (or have so little faith in their own memory) that they’re often quite easily “hacked” into believing they’ve actually met you before.
Well. The reason I found out that I have prosopagnosia is that I’d told numerous ppl over the years that “I probably won’t remember you, but if you do something silly I’ll never forget”. When googleing a similar description I got plenty of hits on face blindness, and the info fit me like the proverbial glove. Eery!
Prosopagnosia is Greek, and basically means “face ignorance” and yeah.. It is what it is… People with hardcore face blindness sometimes don’t even recognize their significant others, kids or even themselves (extreme extreme). I’m glad that’s not me.
Wanna see how it might manifest itself? Got this little test from a friend of mine, try it like this:

Look at the pictures – make a mental note of which one of the faces is angry (the left one). Now take a couple of steps back and look at the images again… now which is the angry one?
Is there no advantage from this? Well, besides the fact that every face is a new one (; in my case I’ve come to realize that I often discover even minute changes in someones appereance. This is probably because I see that something’s wrong, but am not able to detect what. So I rather easily spot when someone’s wearing new glasses, has a new hairdo and such. This also means that I have a very hard time with blond people, which to me have rather featureless faces. I prefer brunettes, redheads and ppl with eccentric hairstyles (colours, really curly hair, etc).
Just wanted to let you know (o:


Via polaren Faidros

similar minds

Gjorde det här testet nångång. Vet inte vad det betyder riktigt, men det har legat här så länge nu att jag lika gärna kan trycka ut det. Vem vet, kanske kommer jag och knackar på din dörr en vacker dag, med en atombomb under armen!?