Archive for the ‘intelligens’ Category

Life in space!
Now they claim there’s life in space! The answer to that has got to be the classic: “No shit, Sherlock!?” Because, really, if you want proof of life in space, all over the place, all you have to do – really! – is to open your eyes and look around. Life’s abundant; everywhere on this mostly harmless pale blue dot we call home there is life, from the darkest and deepest pits to the highest mountains, from the most acid lakes to the coldest Antarctic deserts. Life! All around us! And you know what? We are in space! Really! We are!
The only thing we actually need proof of is that there’s intelligent life in space – looking around doesn’t really help there – and, as someone said: “the best proof of intelligent life in space is that noone has tried to contact us
And us folks are so deprived of imagination!
The thing is this: Whenever there’s talk of life (as in the aforementioned “life in space” (spoken with an ominous voice) piece) people, or scientists, always raise the issue of water and oxygen. Water and Oxygen – the very foundations of life itself! (Sometimes light is claimed aswell)
Although there actually excist creatures, on this very earth, which survive on sulfur, acids and such (I might be wrong here, bare with me).


Let’s phrase the question about life. What is life? (it’s a big question, so it comes in big letters!)
I have a simple answer – but then again I’m no scholar, merely a designer – to this and it goes a bit like so: Life is what proliferates itself (i.e what “gives birth” to other life), what feeds itself, survives, procreates (yes, I’ve said that) and – eventually (perhaps) even dies.
So, does this mean that life should be an organic conundrum of organs, matters, fluids and such, or could life be something like a self-sustaining computer/robot-system which has the abilities to learn from it’s own mistakes (i.e some sort of neural network or similar), procreate (since it may or may not be in control of manufacture which creates other machines like it, feeds itself (by means of, say, electricity) and at roads end perhaps even dies (by accident, wear, letting go of its magic blue smoke)?

Or to make it a simple statement. Imagine for a second that there’s Transformers in space, you know: Autobots and Decepticons – the likes of Optimus Prime and Megatron. They wouldn’t they atleast consider themselves as alive, life even? Would we?
I think we’d have some really pissed of bots on our hands – or in our back yard – if we claimed them less than life, less than alive.

Use your imagination, folks! Space in endless (well, sort of) – and so are the possibilities!

(And so there was another question: Is life life if there is no death?)